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The Performing Arts Collective Limited employs under five employees therefore the statutory requirement under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 section 2(3) to provide a written policy does not apply but one has been done for completeness. The following is intended as a general statement in the spirit of the legislation.


1. Our statement of general policy is:

  • To provide reasonable adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from the expected work activities

  • To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety

  • To provide and maintain a safe working environment and adequate equipment

  • To provide information, instruction and supervision for all employees

  • To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks and give them adequate training

  • To take reasonable action to prevent accidents and injury

  • To review and revise this policy as necessary


2. Overall responsibility for health and safety is that of Trudie Jones and Alicia Muscella but all employees have a responsibility to reasonably carry out tasks to prevent injury to themselves, fellow employees and others affected by their actions and omissions at work. Everyone entering the hall where lessons are taking place must take reasonable care of their own health and safety and report all health and safety concerns to the most senior person at that time. These concerns must then be reported to Trudie Jones or Alicia Muscella in a prompt time frame.


3. Risk assessments will be undertaken by Trudie Jones and Alicia Muscella in discussion with other employees and the findings of the risk assessments will be reported to employees. Assessments will be reviewed regularly.


4. The first aid box is kept with each member of staff.


5. All accidents are to be recorded in the accident report book.


6. Fire Drill

  • If a fire is discovered, check the Fire Brigade is called on 999 immediately or do so yourself

  • Raise the attention of employees, students and parents/guardians and direct them to leave via the nearest fire exit to congregate in the designated area of the building that is being used

  • Evacuate with the students and other teachers by the nearest available exit, escorting all students as necessary

  • Personal belongings must not be collected before evacuation

  • Everyone must gather in the designated area of the building for a register to be completed

  • No one must re-enter the building until told to do so.


7. Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the halls.


8. A teacher should:

  • ensure that classes are of a size appropriate to the levels and techniques being taught and the space being used.

  • Ensure students in each class should be of compatible age and/or standard.

  • be aware of developments in Child Protection legislation and undertake Criminal Records Bureau enhanced disclosure as required.

  • ensure that teaching facilities are adequately maintained and provide:

    1. suitable flooring appropriate to the technique taught, with a clean, safe surface; to minimise the risk of injury;

    2. adequate heating levels and ventilation;

    3. suitable, secure and safe area for changing.

  • abide by Health and Safety statutory legislation requirements, understand his or her responsibility in case of a medical emergency and keep records in an accident book.


9. The dance school is insured as required and a current certificate is kept on file.



11th January to 4th April 2025


17th to 22nd February 2025

Performing Arts Collective Limited

Registered in England and Wales

Company Number 14975533




22 Friesland Avenue, Whitehouse, Milton Keynes, MK8 1DX


©2024 by Performing Arts Collective Limited. Proudly created with

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